遠い世界に 五つの赤い風船
26911.In terms of(〜に関して)if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event
In terms of language, Japanese and English are very different.
26912.I have to admit(正直に言うと)spoken used to show that you are making an honest statement even though it may be embarrassing for you
I have to admit, I didn’t prepare for the presentation and I just winged it.
26913.faithful(誠実・忠実(な人))remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them
You need someone that is loyal and faithful.
In terms of language, Japanese and English are very different.
26912.I have to admit(正直に言うと)spoken used to show that you are making an honest statement even though it may be embarrassing for you
I have to admit, I didn’t prepare for the presentation and I just winged it.
26913.faithful(誠実・忠実(な人))remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them
You need someone that is loyal and faithful.
26914.Get to straight to the point(すぐ要点(本題)に入リましょう)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point.
26915.head up(元気出して)
No matter how tough the situation is, he always keeps his head up.
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point.
26915.head up(元気出して)
No matter how tough the situation is, he always keeps his head up.