

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/09)

2021年05月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
26821.think highly of(~を高く評価する / 〜を尊重する)
Everyone thinks highly of her presentation skills.
26822.all set(準備できた)prepared; ready
Are you all set for the presentation tomorrow? 
26823.out of it(ボーッとする)uninvolved or excluded, not able or allowed to participate/unaware of what is going on because very drunk or drugged
Sorry I'm a little out of it today. I pulled an all-nighter last night. 
26824.space out((人の話しを聞かずに)ボーッとする)
Oh sorry, I was spacing out. What did you say? 
27825.daydream(空想にふける)If you daydream, you think about pleasant things for a period of time, usually about things that you would like to happen.
You were daydreaming about that girl, weren't you?