

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/10)

2021年05月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
26826.something has come up(急用ができました)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
Something's come up and I won't be able to make it to dinner tonight. 
26827.back out(約束を破る)If you back out, you decide not to do something that you previously agreed to do.
I hate to back out last minute but something important has come up at work. 
26828.Seriously? / Are you serious(まじで)You say 'seriously' when you are surprised by what someone has said, as a way of asking them if they really mean it. 
My sister got in a car accident yesterday. Seriously? Is she OK?
26829.For real((口語っぽい)マジで)If you say that someone does something for real, you mean that they actually do it and do not just pretend to do it.
You're not going to believe it. My brother is getting married. For reals? That’s awesome! 
27830.No way(マジで? ありえない)You can say no way as an emphatic way of saying no.
What? You've got to be kidding me. No way! That's crazy.