

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/10)

2021年10月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
27581.pass the time(暇をつぶす)
We have about an hour to kill. What should we do to pass the time?  
27582.Japanese horseradish(山葵)a plant whose root has a very strong hot taste
Sushi chefs usually put the Japanese horseradish between the fish and the rice. 
27583.caption(記事の表題、見出し、字幕)words printed above or below a picture in a book or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the picture is showing → subtitle
A photo with a caption or short article is welcome. 
27584.bank on(〜あてにする / 〜に頼る)to depend on something happening or someone doing something 類義語 count on 
 I think it has potential but I wouldn't bank on it. 
27585.speak one's mind(思うことをはっきりと言う)to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them
Feel free to speak your mind