

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/29)

2021年10月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27676.hand in(提出する)
I have to hand in this report first thing tomorrow morning.
27677.bottle up(抑える、隠す、封じ込める、封鎖する)to deliberately not allow yourself to show a strong feeling or emotion
She bottles up her anxieties. 
27678.culprit(犯人、犯罪者)the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong → victim
She has to be culprit
27679.play prank(悪ふざけする、…にいたずらをする)
to do something to someone as a joke or trick
When I was a kid, I used to get into trouble for playing pranks on people.
27680.something urgent(急用) very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
Actually, something urgent came up