


2021年10月27日 | 爺英語

People have taken to the streets in the Italian capital of Rome to protest the government's new coronavirus vaccine mandate for all workers.
The protests on Saturday came before the rules come into force on Friday. Local media say more than 10,000 people took part.
Protesters filled a square and shouted "Freedom!" Some staged a sit-down in the street.
Police used water cannons to disperse demonstrators. A number of them tried to force their way into a union office, saying labor unions support the mandate.
Prime Minister Mario Draghi denounced the violence.
Last month, the Italian government decided to make it mandatory for all workers to carry COVID-19 health certificates.
The move is a bid to accelerate inoculations and prevent the spread of infections.
These certificates show that a person has been vaccinated or has tested negative for the virus. People who do not comply could be suspended from work, and even risk fines.

denounce       非難する      the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat 
inoculation       予防接種       the wheel or control which guides a ship or 
comply       (規則や指示などに)従う      the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat 
suspended from work       停職処分にする        the wheel or control which guides a ship or

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/27)

2021年10月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27666.on the verge of(~寸前)to be at the point where something is about to happen
We were on the verge of going bankrupt, but somehow survived. 
27667.mental breakdown(ノイローゼ、重度のストレス)
Last month, I had a mental breakdown from the stress at work.
27668.do whatever it takes(必要なことは何でもする / どんな手段でも取る)
Let's do whatever it takes to make this project happen.
27669.down the road(将来いつか / 今後 / そのうち)in the future, especially at a later stage in a process 
I want to tap into the European market but that's at least 3 years down the road
27670.time away(〜から離れる)
Sometimes it’s nice to spend time away from our kids.