

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/17)

2021年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
27616.put one's mind to(〜に専念する / 全力を傾ける) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
27617.endangered species(絶滅危惧種)
The chimpanzee is endangered species
27618.hail down(タクシーを呼び止める)
If we miss the last train, we can just hail down a cab. 
27619.provided that(ただし、次の場合のみ )used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done 類義語 providing You may keep this book a month provided that no one else requires it. 
27620.quite a few(かなりたくさんの)a fairly large number or amount
She has quite a few followers on Instagram