

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/15)

2021年10月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
27606.takes the cake(一番〜)(also take the biscuit British English) informal to be worse than anything else you can imagine
I’ve been to quite a few terrible restaurants, but this place takes the cake
27607.The reason being(理由は〜だ)
I exercise first thing in the morning. The reason being that, it energizes me.
27608.solid(しっかりした / 素晴らしい)British English informal good
Your English is solid. Did you study abroad? 
27609.imply(暗示する、ほのめかす、暗示する) to suggest that something is true, without saying this directly → infer, implication 
Are you implying that you want to quit? 
27610.Are you with me? ((私の言っていること)分かりますか?)
 I've covered a lot so far. Are you still with me?