

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/07)

2023年07月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
30741.If i were in your shoes(あなたの立場なら)thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
If I were in your shoes, I'd consider moving closer to the city center. 
30742.incorrect(間違っている)not correct or true /not following the rules of polite or fair behavior 類義語 impolite 
Did I say something incorrect
30743.You have my word(約束します)
I will not tell anyone  what happend here today.You have my word.
30744.swear(誓う)to promise that you will do something  /informal to say very strongly that what you are saying is true 
I swear to be by your side for the rest of mi life.
30745.Take my word for it(私が保証します )
Our products are the highest quality on the market. Take my word for it.