

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/24)

2023年07月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30826.no less than  (最低でも ) to make someone feel extremely upset 
It was a great turnout. There were no less than a hundred people there. 
30827.turnout(出席者(数)、産額、生産高、身じたく、着こなし、装備 )tthe number of people who go to a party, meeting, or other organized event 
These shows are always popular, and we're expecting a big turnout. .
30828.bond with (強い絆で結ばれる )to not take part in something, especially a game or dance, when you usually take part 
I thought he was a really nice guy. I felt a bond with him. 
30829.someone will be with you shortly (来客対応時のお待ちください )
Please have a seat, and a nurse will be with you shortly. .
30830.stay here(友達に対するちょっと待って  )
Yeah. Can you stay right here? I’ll be back right away.