

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/20)

2023年07月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30806.bear in mind(心にとめる )to remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future 類義語 keep (something) in mindbear in mind (that) 
Bear in mind that some children will need help 
30807.first-come,first-serve(先着順に)used to say that something will be given to the people who ask for it first, when there is not enough for everyone 
MNote that tickets are sold first-come, first-serve. Be sure to get in line early.
You may be ready for the history. but math is yourweakest subjects
30809.You might want to(~した方がいいかもしれない)
You might want to give some more thought.
30810.think outside the box (既成概念にとらわれない考え方をする  )to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in business 
You won’t come up with any good ideas unless you think outside the box.