31021.rush over (急いでやってくる)
You didn't have to rush over.
31022.pierce (穴をあける、刺す) to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a sharp point
Mom, when can I get my ears pierced?.
31023.juice (juice は果汁では 100%のもの ) the liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables, or a drink that is made from this
The hotel in california had a great juice bar.
31024.cloak (マント、覆い隠すもの)a warm piece of clothing like a coat without sleeves that hangs loosely from your shoulders
They left under the cloak of darkness.
31025.cunning(こうかつな、ずるい、悪賢い、かわいらしい ) behaviour or actions that are cunning are clever but dishonest and unfair, and are used to get what you want
The animal world is full of clever, cunning creatures.