かぐや姫 赤ちょうちん
31051.advance ((…を)進める、(…を)(…へ)前進させる、(…へ)昇進させる、進める、促進する )
Inform others about somethibg that's happening on the grpund so that the listener or the ereader gets new knowledge and be able to advance their own knowledge and take action for the better of their society.
31052.get to(…に達する、に着手する、を始める、に連絡する、に影響を与える )
Inform others about somethibg that's happening on the grpund so that the listener or the ereader gets new knowledge and be able to advance their own knowledge and take action for the better of their society.
31052.get to(…に達する、に着手する、を始める、に連絡する、に影響を与える )
Don't let it get to you!.
31053.bad grade (悪い成績)
Take it easy!One bad grade isn’t going to ruin your future.
31054.astick to your guns. (諦めず頑張れ)
Srick to your guns! If you want to be successfully. then you have to keep trying.
31055.Tomorrow is another day.(明日はまた新しい日です)
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe you’ll have better luck then.
Srick to your guns! If you want to be successfully. then you have to keep trying.
31055.Tomorrow is another day.(明日はまた新しい日です)
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe you’ll have better luck then.