

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/20)

2023年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
31116.to be on the safe side (安全のため )
To be on the safe side, let’s evacuate. 
31117.hit (上陸する)
The haricane is expected to hit Orland tomorrow. 
31118.lightning (落雷、雷の光 )
Did you see the that?That was lightning
31119.lose power (停電 )
We lost power for about two hours. 
31120.bottled water(ミネラル水
Let's buy some bottled water


2023年09月20日 | 爺英語

Tokyo Electric Power Company has started to release treated and diluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean.
Japan's government says it's a necessary step to decommission the plant more than 12 years after it was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami.
Before the release, the plant's operator confirmed the water's dilution had been carried out as planned.
TEPCO analyzed the concentration of tritium, which is measured in units called “becquerel.”
It found the diluted water contained between 43 and 63 becquerels per liter. That's far below Japan's environmental release standards of 60,000 becquerels per liter.
Members of local industries have voiced concern over how the release will impact their business.
The government has promised to work hard to prevent any reputational damage
id it made the change “simply to make that prohibition even more clear.”

treat  処理する  
dilut 薄める、希釈する
concentration 集中、濃度
tritium  トリチウム、三重水素   
becquerel ベクレル(Bq)、放射線を出す能力を示す単位