

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/08)

2023年09月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
31056.cut out for (ピッタリ)
You’re cut out for to this.. 
31057.apples and oranges (比較できなこと)
IThis discussion is going nowhere. We’re just comparing apples and oranges.
31058.remarkable (驚くべき、著しい)unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise
Japanese art had a remarkable infulence on Van Gogh. 
31059.feat something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do
The Seikan Tuunel is a remarkable feat of enginering. 
31060.pull off(困難なことを成功させる、見事に成し遂げるinformal to succeed in doing something difficult
I never thought we'd win the championship, but we pulled it off