

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/14)

2023年09月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
31086.capture (心などを掴む、捉える)
Natural wine was quietly starting to capture the heart of consumer. 
31087.forefront (最前線)
His company is in the forefront of the chemical industry. 
31088.strike a chord (心に響く、琴線に触れる )
The manager’s sincere messeage struck a chord with her team. 
31089.one of a kind (唯一無二の)the only one of a particular type of thing
Each plate is handpainted and one of a kind.  
31090.eye(目を付ける to look at someone or something carefully, especially because you do not trust them or because you want something 
I’m eyeing the new mobile phone that goes on sale next month.