31156.follow suit (〜と考える )to do the same as someone else has done
When major companies decides to raise wages, others followed suit.
31157.pay off (実を結ぶ)
When major companies decides to raise wages, others followed suit.
31157.pay off (実を結ぶ)
Our commitment in this region will evetually pay off.
31158.chip in (人の話に割り込む)
Please feel free to chip in if you have any questions.
31159.heal (傷や悲しみを癒す ) if a wound or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again
While her physical wounds healed quickly, emotional ones took more time to heal.
31160.relieve (不安からの解放を表す ) to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings
Having a cup of coffee after work helps me relieve my stress.
While her physical wounds healed quickly, emotional ones took more time to heal.
31160.relieve (不安からの解放を表す ) to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings
Having a cup of coffee after work helps me relieve my stress.