

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/11)

2023年09月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
31071.run late  (予定より遅れる )to arrive, go somewhere, or do something late 
We’re running a bit late. We’re stuck in traffic right now.  
31072.Let’s say  (例えば~としましょう )
Let’s say you could live anywhere in the world. Where would you live? 
31073.make it one’s business to  (自ら進んで~する )
My teacher makes it his business to learn all his student’s names within 1 week. 
31074.save face  (メンツを保つ )if you do something to save face, you do it so that people will not lose their respect for you
You’d better apologize if you want to save face
31075.wary (慎重な / 用心深い someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful
You should be wary of things that sound too good to be true.