

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/15)

2023年09月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
31091.pair with (〜と合う )
I think these wines pair well with my signature dish and probably with new menu items I'm working on now. 
31092.give~the push (~の背中を押す、もう一押しする)
If you hadn't given me the push, Ii would've compromised with natural wines from Europe. 
31093.encouraging (心強い、頼もしい )giving you hope and confidence 類義語 reassuring OPP discouraging 
It’s encouraging to see new business nearing its break-even point.
31094.way to go (よくやった)American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special 
Way to go!You broke the school record!. 
31095.keep it up(その調子で
Keep it up!You’re showing good progress.