

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/17)

2024年12月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
32371.good value for the money (コスパが良い )
You should get this. It’s good value for the money. 
32372.put up with (我慢する)to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining 
Isn't it amazing that they can land unmanned spacecraft on Mars.
32373.deal with ((我慢して)対処する・受け入れる ) to succeed in controlling your feelings about an emotional problem so that it does not affect your life 類義語 cope with 
We are short-staffed right now. I don't want to work late but I have to deal with it. 
32374.patient (じっと我慢する・忍耐強い)able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties, people’s annoying behaviour etc without becoming angry OPP impatient 
It takes time to become a good English speaker. You just have to be patient. 
32375.good old days (古き良き時代)the good times in the past 
When I was in college, we would often get together at our friend’s house and chat all night long. Those were the good old days

