I'm afraid there has been slight change in our first order.
The budget is being revise again and your order is in limbo.
We'd love to have that initial order before the end of fiscal year.
9069.go full out(全力を尽くす、全力投球)
We really wanted to go full out on the project,but it has been canceled.
9070.lay the groundwork for (~の下準備をする、~の基礎を作る)
We will lay the groundwork for exploring future partnership ideas.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I'm afraid there has been slight change in our first order.
The budget is being revise again and your order is in limbo.
We'd love to have that initial order before the end of fiscal year.
9069.go full out(全力を尽くす、全力投球)
We really wanted to go full out on the project,but it has been canceled.
9070.lay the groundwork for (~の下準備をする、~の基礎を作る)
We will lay the groundwork for exploring future partnership ideas.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
