


2020年12月23日 | 爺英語

We start in Britain where a 90-year-old woman has become the first person in the world to receive the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer.
Margaret Keenan got her shot early Tuesday morning. It's the first of 800,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to be provided in the U.K. in the coming weeks.
(Margaret Keenan)
"I'm happy it's happened. And now I've done it, and hopefully it will help other people to come along and do as I did. You know, try and do the best to get rid of this terrible thing."
Prime Minister Boris Johnson inspected the rollout.
The vaccine needs to be kept at around minus 70 degrees Celsius and will be offered at well-equipped hospitals for the time being.
People aged 80 or over and frontline workers will be prioritized.
come along 一緒に行く、うまくいく     
rollout  (新作などの)初公開や新製品などの導入     the introduction of a new product 
frontline (戦場で)前線の、(現場で)最前線の      

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/23)

2020年12月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26446.I couldn't agree more(全く同感)
I couldn’t agree more. In the end, you have to follow your heart. . 
26447.last(〜が続く)If an event, situation, or problem lasts for a particular length of time, it continues to exist or happen for that length of time. 
All good things come to an end. Nothing lasts forever.
26448.plan B(代替案)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people 
We should come up with plan B just to be safe. 
26449.wait around(ブラブラしながら待つ) If you wait around or wait about, you stay in the same place, usually doing very little, because you cannot act before something happens or before someone arrives. 
I waited around all day for the plumber to come but he never showed up.
26450.chill out(落ち着く) To chill out means to relax after you have done something tiring or stressful.   
I’m exhausted. I’m going to go home and chill out.

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徒然草 第七十九段

2020年12月22日 | 徒然草を読む






Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/22)

2020年12月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
26441.wanted(指名手配中)being searched for by the police in connection with a crime that has been committed 
He was named on a wanted list a few weeks ago. 
26442.territory(領土、領地)Territory is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler. 
Both countries say the island is their territory.
26443.suspect(容疑者)caA suspect is a person who the police or authorities think may be guilty of a crime. 
Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city. 
26444.charge(告訴する) tA charge is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime. 
He was charged with speeding
26445.If it’s OK with you (もし良ければ) 
If it's OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/21)

2020年12月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26436.stay out of someone's hair(人の邪魔をしないでいる )
People compared notes on how hard it was to concentrate on work while trying to make sure their kids did their schoolwork and stayed out of their hair.  
26437.rinse(すすぐ、ゆすぐ)When you rinse something, you wash it in clean water in order to remove dirt or soap from it. 
After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water. .
26438.grimace(しかめっ面)If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain. 
He took another drink of his coffee. 'Awful,' he said with a grimace. . 
26439.frown(まゆをひそめる) When someone frowns, their eyebrows become drawn together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating.  
I suffered from homesickness during the first few months of college.
26440.border(国境)The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line.  
the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. 

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/20)

2020年12月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26431.quarantine(隔離する、検疫する)If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease. 
She was sent home to Oxford and put in quarantine.
26432.sluggish (だるい)You can describe something as sluggish if it moves, works, or reacts much slower than you would like or is normal.  
I feel sluggish today. I don’t feel like doing anything.
26433.stuck in a rut(マンネリ化した)
I'm stuck in a rut in my boring job and need to do something new 
What kind of music gets you in the groove? .
26435.oldie(懐メロ)You can refer to something such as an old song or film as an oldie, especially when you think it is still good. 
You should read this book. It’s an oldie but a goodie. 

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2020年12月19日 | 読書日記
被生活保護者を担当するケースワーカーとして、大津市役所に勤める石坂壮馬。彼は、いっこうに自立しようとしない者や、保護費を詐取しようとする者、そして被保護者を食い物にする「貧困ビジネス」の存在に、生活保護制度の矛盾を強く感じていた。そんな中、大津市内では、あくどく稼いでいると評判の者から盗みを働き、貧しい人々に金を配る「現代のねずみ小僧」が話題になっていた。ねずみ小僧に複雑な思いを抱く壮馬だったが、ある日、彼の担当する被保護者が殺される事件が起こり…。「生活保護制度」の矛盾を突く問題作。 --
[著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)】



Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/19)

2020年12月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
26426.take it easy(焦らない,くよくよしない,リラックスする )If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all. 
Another part of living a healthy life is knowing when to take it easy
26427.dough(生地)Dough is a fairly firm mixture of flour, water, and sometimes also fat and sugar. It can be cooked to make bread, pastry, and biscuits. 
Let the dough rise before you bake it..
26428.crust(パンの耳)The crust on a loaf of bread is the outside part. 
Sana always eats her crusts
26429.whole-wheat(ふすまを取り除かないでひいた全粒の) made from the entire wheat kernel 
Consuming breads and foods made with whole-wheat flours are recommended instead of maida for maximum nutrition.
26430.Are you (active) on any social media? (何かSNSを使っていますか? ) 
Are you (active) on any social media? 

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/18)

2020年12月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26421.track(道、軌道)a narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface, especially one made by people or animals frequently moving through the same place 
Am I on the right track?. 
26422.on the same page(同じように考えている;同じ見解を持つ;意見が一致している) if a group of people are on the same page, they are working well together and have the same aims 
Are we on the same page?. 
26423.an item(カップル)informal if two people are an item, they are having a romantic or sexual relationship 
 Are they an item?
26424.be stressed out(ストレスで参っている)If someone is stressed out, they are very tense and anxious because of difficulties in their lives. 
Look like he's stressed out with this new project.
26425.What do you think of(~をどう思いますか)
What do you think of the new lead singer?

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/17)

2020年12月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
26416.Nothing beats(やっぱり〜が一番)
Nothing beats miso soup and rice. 
26417.change of pace(気分転換)
Working from home has been a good change of pace but I think I’m ready to go back to the office.
26418.put on hold(~を保留する)
We had to put our wedding on hold because of the coronavirus. 
26419.periodically(定期的に)  happening a number of times, usually at regular times 
I don't see him much but we email each other periodically.
26420.and things like that(〜など)
She’s worried about getting married, having kids and things like that

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2020年12月16日 | 爺英語
Researchers in Japan have announced an encouraging discovery regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
It appears many people have antibodies for at least six months after they are infected.
Yokohama City University and other institutions conducted a study of 376 people in their 20s to 70s.
The subjects were infected between February and May and gave blood samples six months later.

The researchers found what are called neutralizing antibodies in the blood samples.
They were present in nearly all of those with mild or no symptoms and in everyone who had suffered moderate or serious symptoms.

Neutralizing antibodies are believed to weaken the functions of a virus and prevent subsequent infections.
The researchers say that people who had been in serious condition tend to have stronger antibodies.

That suggests there may be a lower risk of re-infection for at least six months.
The researchers say the finding is good news for developing vaccines.

antibody 抗体    Antibodies are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood in order to destroy substances which carry disease. 
conduct   実施する、実行する    When you conduct an activity or task, you organize it and carry it out. 
neutralizing 中和する、中性化する、無力化する     To neutralize something means to prevent it from having any effect or from working properly. 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/16)

2020年12月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
26411.I'm addicted to(~にはまっている)
It sounds like your addicted to Facebook. You should take a break from it.  
26412.sleep in(遅くまで寝る)leading or ahead in a competition 
You should sleep in tomorrow and catch up on sleep.
26413.visit one's parents(実家に帰る)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people 
I’m going to visit my parents this weekend 
26414.change of pace (気分転換 )
Working from home has been a good change of pace but I think I’m ready to go back to the office. 
26415.make the most of(最大限に活かす )   
Great opportunities don’t come every day. You have to make the most of them.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News