

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/23)

2021年10月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
27646.blood sugar(血糖、血糖値) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
My doctor told me my blood sugar was a little high, so I stopped r\eating sweets.
27647.uric acid(尿酸、尿酸値)
Are there any foods I should to bring my uric acid down ? 
27648.rubbish(イギリス英語ゴミ) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
Just put it in the rubbish bin. 
27649.body fat(体脂肪、体脂肪率)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
Running is a great way to burn body fat
27650.tartar(歯石)a hard substance that forms on your teeth
 There's some tartar on your bottom teeth. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/22)

2021年10月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
27641.instinct(本能)a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned → intuition
My first instinct  was to run away as fast as I could.
27642.intuition(勘、直観)the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts 類義語 instinct
You can't be a real jazz musician without musical intuition.
27643.hunch(予感、虫の知らせ) if you have a hunch that something is true or will happen, you feel that it is true or will happen → suspicion
I had a hunch that you 'd be here.. 
27644.brawl(乱闘)a noisy quarrel or fight among a group of people, especially in a public place 
The pitcher started a brawl when he threw at the hitter. 
27645.get into(喧嘩などになる)
 We got into a fight over a video game.. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/21)

2021年10月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
27636.do the trick(うまくいく、効く ) spoken if something does the trick, it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result
How to make up with your girlfriend? Flowers should do the trick.
27637.be seeing(~と付き合っている )
All you have to do is tell her that you're seeing her.
27638.root for(応援する) to want someone to succeed in a competition, test, or difficult situation
We're all rooting for you. 
27639.neat handwriting(きれいな筆跡) tidy and carefully arranged the style of someone’s writing 
I can tell just by looking at this neat handwriting
27640.sender(差出人)the person who sent a particular letter, package, message etc
It doesn't have the sender's name on it. 


2021年10月20日 | Daily Vocabulary

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has recognized three scientists for work that is fundamental to our understanding of climate change.
The judges awarded Syukuro Manabe, who was born in Japan, Klaus Hasselmann of Germany, and Giorgio Parisi of Italy the Nobel Prize in Physics. Their research predicted global warming and how humanity influences it.
Manabe and Hasselmann pioneered research into climate change. Manabe demonstrated how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. He sounded an alarm on how people help to drive it.
Hasselmann showed the link between weather and climate. He developed methods to identify the imprint of human activities.
Parisi identified hidden patterns in complex systems. He helped others to understand seemingly random phenomena.
He says it's clear that for future generations we have to act on climate change now.

imprint       跡、痕跡     the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/20)

2021年10月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
27631.on the side(副業で / 副業として)used to say that someone does work in addition to their regular job
Yeah, many of them tutor middle school and high school students on the side.  
27632.paramount(極めて重要)more important than anything else
Getting at least 7 hours of sleep every day is paramount.
27633.jump to conclusions(早合点する、勘違いする)to form an opinion about something before you have all the facts
You shouldn't jump to conclusions
27634.temper(気分、機嫌、短気)a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily 
You should control your temper a bit more.
27635.check out(注目する)
I checked out the financial aspects of buying into the company.

徒然草 第百二十二段

2021年10月19日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/19)

2021年10月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
27626.on cloud nine(至福の状態)informal to be very happy about something
I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job.
27627.in seventh heaven(幸福の絶頂)informal to be extremely happy
I just found out that I'm getting transferred to LA. That was my first choice. I'm in seventh heaven
27628.hands down(努力しないで、わけなく、明白に、明らかに)easily
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven.  
27629.Improve / Hurt one’s image(イメージアップ・イメージダウン)
The latest scandal hurt that singers image.
27630.a new look(イメージチェンジする・イメチェン)different from before, especially more modern or more attractive
I wanted a new look so I decided to dye my hair.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/18)

2021年10月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
27621.By all means(是非是非)spoken used to mean ‘of course’ when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion
By all means. Here you go 
27622.How to put it?(どう言ったらいいのかな)
Takoyaki is - how can I put it? - a Japanese snack that's in the shape of little round balls with octopus in it. 
He has to take responsibility for his actions, period.
27624.at its best(最高の状態)
He’s at his best when he’s under pressure. 
27625.blow someone away(感動する)
You have to watch that documentary. It will blow you away.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/17)

2021年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
27616.put one's mind to(〜に専念する / 全力を傾ける) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
27617.endangered species(絶滅危惧種)
The chimpanzee is endangered species
27618.hail down(タクシーを呼び止める)
If we miss the last train, we can just hail down a cab. 
27619.provided that(ただし、次の場合のみ )used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done 類義語 providing You may keep this book a month provided that no one else requires it. 
27620.quite a few(かなりたくさんの)a fairly large number or amount
She has quite a few followers on Instagram 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/24)

2021年10月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
27686.garbage(廃棄物や不要物) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
Can you take out the garbage when you go? 
27687.trash(廃棄物または不要になったもの。価値がなく、低品質のもの。乾燥した材料のゴミ )American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Will you take out the trash
27688.rubbish(イギリス英語ゴミ) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
Just put it in the rubbish bin. 
27689.litter(公共の場所で地面に落ちたまま散乱している小片のゴミ)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
The whole park will be spoiled by litter
27690.Garbage collection(ごみ収集)
Garbage collections are made every Sunday morning. 


2021年10月16日 | 読書日記

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


弁当持ち(執行猶予中)タレ(被害届) がらうけ(身柄引受人)警察言葉も面白い。


Daily Vocabulary(2021/10/16)

2021年10月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
27611.ring a bell(心当たりがある / ピンとくる)informal if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is
Does the name "Tiffany" ring a bell
27612.bank on(〜あてにする / 〜に頼る)to depend on something happening or someone doing something 類義語 count on
I think it has potential but I wouldn't bank on it.
27613.speak one's mind(思うことをはっきりと言う) to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them
Don't be afraid to speak your mind
27614.offend(怒らせる、感情をそこなう、傷つける、そこなう、犯す、破る)to make someone angry or upset by doing or saying something that they think is rude, unkind etc /to seem bad or unacceptable to someone 
His remarks deeply offended many Scottish people. 
27615.cross one's mind(頭をよぎる / ふと心に浮かぶ) if you say that an idea, thought etc never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it 類義語 occur to somebody
That's an interesting idea. It never crossed my mind.