

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/22)

2023年04月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30361.clear paper jam   (紙詰まりを直す )
It's my first time to use it. I need to clear paper jam
30362.fundamental(根源的な、基本的な)relating to the most basic and important parts of something 
The movie raises fundamental questions about who are you.
30363.clarity (明確さ、明晰さ ) the clarity of a piece of writing, law, argument etc is its quality of being expressed clearly → clear 
Watching the ducks in the pond, I had a moment of clarity.
30364.surefire  (確実な、成功疑いなしの )certain to succeed 
There´s only one surefire way to loose weight:eat less and exercise more.
30365.chuckle   (くすくす笑い、(満足げな)含み笑い  ) to laugh quietly 
My boss always chuckles at his own jokes. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/21)

2023年04月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30356.fringe benefit   an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages 
Let's talk about employ conditions, salary, bonuses, and fringe benefit.
30357.keep something in mind to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something 
We'll  keep in mind how you've come to that conclusion.
30358.be lucky enough to (幸運にも~する )used to say that someone is lucky or unlucky that something happens to them 
If I'm lucky enough to be hired here, I'll work to contribute to that.
30359.challenging aspect  (最も困難な点)the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of this position
30360.over the moon  very happy 
I was over the moon to hear good news. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/20)

2023年04月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30351.local food   (地元の食べ物 )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
Which local food do you recommend? 
30352.drop off(降ろす)to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place 
Would you drop me off at the entrance?
30353.get a foot in the door (きっかけを作る)
I couldn't meet  the CEO, but at least I got a foot in the door.
30354.referral  (紹介,紹介される人)when someone sends someone or something to another person to be helped or dealt with 
I cab hopefully open up my client list through referrals.
30355.substantially(実質上、大体は、十分に、大いに、しっかりと  )  very much or a lot 類義語 considerably 
So, not to be rude, but we have a substantially better wine list than that of your current company.


2023年04月19日 | 爺英語

A new survey is looking at why many people in Japan continue to wear masks.
The Japanese government eased its coronavirus guidelines earlier this month, leaving it up to individuals to decide if they should put on face coverings.
A university research group conducted the survey. About 50 percent of respondents said the infection situation in their local area was their main concern.
Others said they are influenced by what people around them are doing or follow reports from medical institutions.
Many in Tokyo say they are putting their masks away more often.
“I wear it at work, but I usually remove it when I shop. I feel relieved that, even if I forget to wear a mask, I don't need to worry anymore.”
“I don't wear a mask when I walk around the city. But if I talk with people or I am in a crowded room, then I would wear a mask.”

 feel relieved   (心配などから解放されて)安心する、ホッとするfeeling happy because you are no longer worried about something  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/19)

2023年04月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30346.miss the boat  (機会を逃す )to fail to take an opportunity that will give you an advantage 
It's too late. You missed the boat.
30347.real deal (本物)
Shohei Ohtani is the real deal. He’s going to have a breakout year! 
30348.Don't put it off (先延ばししないように  )
Don't put it off. Do it right now.
30349.procrastinate (先延ばしにする)to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually because you do not want to do it 類義語 put off 
You always procrastinate. Why do you always wait until the last minute? 
30350.Swede  someone from Sweden 
Most Swedes speaks Swedish and English. 

徒然草 第二百段

2023年04月18日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/18)

2023年04月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
30341.That’s so sweet  (それは素敵だ)
That’s so sweet of you. I’m sure your boyfriend is going to be happy.
30342.out of the blue (突然に ) if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected 
My boss told me out of the blue that I was getting transferred to Singapore.
30343.startled (びっくりする )to make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked 
My old friend showed up out of the blue, and I was startled to see her.
30344.due to a prior commitment   (先約があるので )
Due to a prior commitment, I cannot join the seminar on Friday. 
30345.get out of hand (手に負えない) if a situation or person gets out of hand, they become impossible to control any longer 
We have to figure out a solution before it gets out of hand.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/17)

2023年04月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30336.iconic (象徴的な )
You definitely have to go and see the iconic Hollywood sign. 
30337.make reference to (~に触れる )
My friends love making references to movies. 
30338.pick up on  (~に気づく  )to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it 
He is terrible at picking up on subtle hints 
30339.a good  (少なくとも)
With traffic, it’ll take a good hour to get to the airport. 
30340.talk away    (話し続ける )
Even though nobody was listening, he kept talking away about politics. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/16)

2023年04月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
30331.develop(才能が開花する )
They had known each other since childhood, and their friendship eventually developed into love. 
30332.flourish (繫栄させる)to develop well and be successful 類義語 thrive 
During the period of national isolation, Japan’s unique culture developed and flourished
30333.trip ((短めの)旅行 )a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose 
We are going on a trip to Okinawa. 
30334.travel((一般的に)旅行する )to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away 
You should travel as much as you can in your twenties. 
30335.journey((長い)旅  )especially British English an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance 
It’s about the journey, not the destination. 

三千円の使いかた (中公文庫)

2023年04月15日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】


第二部 七三歳のハローワーク



Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/15)

2023年04月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
30326.have a bad reception(受信状態が悪い )
What did you say? I can't hear you well because I have a bad reception
30327.for good ((これを最後に)永遠に)permanently 
I'm going to quit smoking for good 
30328.forever((これから先もずっと)永遠に  )
I'm going to study English forever. 
30329.bloom(開花、開花する )if a plant or a flower blooms, its flowers appear or open 
Daffodils are in full bloom in the park. Let’s go see them this weekend. .
30330.blossom  (花、開花 ) if trees blossom, they produce flowers 
Cherry blossoms bloomed earlier than usual this year.