

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/14)

2023年04月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
30321.tough nut to crack (難題)a difficult problem or situation 
We're finding it a tough nut to crack due to long standing relatioships. 
30322.unparalleled(比類のない)bigger, better, or worse than anything else 
James shoed unparalleled negotiation skills in the merger process.
30323.boast (自慢する、誇る )to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions 
This chocolate boasts an unmatched brand image.
30324.lose track of time  (何時か分からなくなる、どのくらい時間がたったか分からなくなる、時がたつのを忘れ )the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas. 
30325.background noise (周りの騒音)
I can't hear you well with all this background noise

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/13)

2023年04月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
breadth and depth of this reserch is unmatched
30316.capitalized on   (〜を十分に利用・活用する、フルに生かす  )
We want to join a company willing to capitalized on this growth. 
30317.dead end(行き止まり、袋小路、行き詰まり、窮境 )a situation where no more progress is possible 
My career will hit a dead end.
30318.die out (死に絶えていく、すたれる、消える )to disappear or stop existing completely 
Many of the old village traditions are dying out. 
30319.unmatched  (無比の、並ぶもののない、そろいでない )better than any other 類義語 unequalled 
The breadth and depth of this research is unmatched.
30320.entity  (実在、存在、実在物、実体、本体、自主独立体 )something that exists as a single and complete unit → being 
Anyone can work with up-and-coming entities


2023年04月12日 | 爺英語

Japan's busiest international travel hub is going green.
Narita Airport, near Tokyo, says it will install a solar panel system that will eventually supply a big portion of its energy needs.
The initiative is a joint venture of Narita International Airport Corporation and Tokyo Gas.
They have created a firm that will install a vast array of solar panels next to runways and on building rooftops.
The panels are expected to cover about 200 hectares by the time they are all in place at the end of fiscal 2045.
The system will generate 180 megawatts of power. Narita officials say that's enough to provide 40 percent of the airport's annual energy needs.
The venture is expected to cost roughly 100 billion yen, or about 740 million dollars.

 an array of ずらりと並んだ~    formal to respect and admire someone or something very much

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/12)

2023年04月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
30311.byproduct   (副産物)something additional that is produced during a natural or industrial process 
Experts say that social media has many  byproducts, including fake news. 
30312.be away(留守)
Hi, I am away from my desk right now. Just leave a message at the tone..
30313.Have you ever been  (~ははじめて )
Have you ever been to Europe.
30314.whereabouts  (どの辺に、どのあたりに )used to ask in what general area something or someone is 
Whereabouts did you grow up?.
30315.oversee   (統括する )to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorily 類義語 supervise 
She oversee our global client list. 

徒然草 第百九十九段

2023年04月11日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/11)

2023年04月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
30306.spoil (腐る  ) to start to decay 
Actually, I may have drunk a whole glass of spoiled milk. 
30307.rot (腐る)the natural process of decaying, or the part of something that has decayed 
The garden was full of rotten carrots. 
30308.turn in(提出する )
Did you turn in the application form? It's due today. 
30309.startup  (行動開始、操業開始、操業開始の会社 )a new company that has been started fairly recently 
How do startup get funding?
30310.apparently (どうやら~らしい ) used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it 
Apparently he cheated on his wife.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/10)

2023年04月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
30301.sober   (しらふ )not drunk 
I’m going to stay sober tonight. I have to drive. 
30302.buzzed (ほろ酔い  )
You look pretty buzzed
30303.drunk (酔っ払う  ) unable to control your behaviour, speech etc because you have drunk too much alcohol OPP sober 
Don’t pay attention to him. He’s drunk
30304.wasted  (泥酔 )very drunk or affected by drugs 
Josh is wasted again. 
30305.trashed  (泥酔 )very drunk 
I was so trashed last night. I hope I didn’t do anything stupid. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/09)

2023年04月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
30296.hidden gem   (隠された宝石,隠れた宝石,穴場)
There's a restaurant not too far from here that's supposed to be a real hidden gem
30297.trailer(予告編 )an advertisement for a new film or television show 
I saw the trailer, and she looked absolutely ripped.
30298.sheredded cabbage(キャベツの千切り )
I add shredded cabbage and mochi to the mixture.
30299.simmer  (とろとろ煮える、チンチン音を立てる)to boil gently, or to cook something slowly by boiling it gently 
I let it simmer until the vegetables are cooked.
30300.bonito flakes (鰹節)
I let it finish cooking before I put the sauce and bonito flakes on. 


2023年04月08日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】



Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/08)

2023年04月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
30291.keep one's finger on the pulse (実状に通じている, 現況を把握している. )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
I like to keep my finger on the pulse when it comes to new technology. 
30292.have a blast(とても楽しい時間を過ごす )
I had a blast proofreading and editing it.
30293.glowing(熱情をこめた,熱烈な )
You wrote me such a glowing letter of recommendation.
30294.thesis(学位論文、卒業論文、論題、題目、(学校の)作文、(論証さるべき)命題、定立、テーゼ )a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD 
It’s the least I can do after you helped me with my thesis.
30295.famished(空腹で)extremely hungry 類義語 starving 
I'm famished. I think we'd better find a place to have lunch. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/07)

2023年04月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
30286.perfect couple(理想のカップル)
They seemed like the perfect couple to me. 
30287.call off to decide that a planned event will not take place 類義語 cancel 
She said she decided to call off the wedding.
30288.the last person(最も~しそうにない人)
She is the last person I would have expected to do something like that.
30289.fiance  (婚約者)the man who a woman is going to marry 
I bet her fiance didn’t see that coming either.
30290.fast learner   (呑み込みが早い)
You must be a fast learner