30321.tough nut to crack (難題)a difficult problem or situation
We're finding it a tough nut to crack due to long standing relatioships.
30322.unparalleled(比類のない)bigger, better, or worse than anything else
We're finding it a tough nut to crack due to long standing relatioships.
30322.unparalleled(比類のない)bigger, better, or worse than anything else
James shoed unparalleled negotiation skills in the merger process.
30323.boast (自慢する、誇る )to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions
This chocolate boasts an unmatched brand image.
30324.lose track of time (何時か分からなくなる、どのくらい時間がたったか分からなくなる、時がたつのを忘れ )the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside
It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas.
30325.background noise (周りの騒音)
I can't hear you well with all this background noise.
It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas.
30325.background noise (周りの騒音)
I can't hear you well with all this background noise.