

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/23)

2023年07月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
30821.coin(〈新語などを〉造り出す )
Who coined the word "internet"?
30822.gist(要点 )the main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written 
It's a long story, so I'll give you the gist.
30823.boil down(要約する )to make a list or piece of writing shorter by not including anything that is not necessary 
Let me boil down the issue for you. It's all about cost.
30824.hands down (間違いない / 断然 )easily,win (something)/beat somebody hands down 
She is hands down the best player. 
30825.gray area(曖昧な)
What is considered a personal expense and business expense is a gray area.  


2023年07月22日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
「不況!! 東京路上サバイバル ホームレス、28人の履歴書」(恒友出版)、
「仕事がない! ―求職中36人の叫び」(平凡社)がある。



Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/22)

2023年07月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30816.leave out((…を)省く、除外する、(…を)無視する、忘れる ) to make someone feel extremely upset 
I have to tear that page out of  my diary before anyone sees it. 
30817.origin(起源、由来、発端)the place or situation in which something begins to exist 
There are many theories about the origin of life.
30818.sit out(仲間入りしない)to not take part in something, especially a game or dance, when you usually take part 
You’re all going to on the roller coaster?Oh...I think I'll sit  this one out.
30819.come from(由来する)if you come from a place, you were born there or lived there when you were young / to be obtained from a place, thing, or person, or to start or be made somewhere 
I had no idea that ”tycoon” and "honcho" came from Japanese.
30820.-derived(由来の)to get a chemical substance from another substance 
Caffein is one example of a plant-derived drug. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/21)

2023年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30811.outnumber(~に数で勝る、~を数凌駕する、~の数を上回る、~より数が多い )to be more in number than another group s 
Is it true that sheep outnumber humans in New Zealand?. 
30812.cosmos(宇宙)the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system 
Humans have always wondered what their place in the cosmos is.
30813.spot(見つける,見抜く,見分ける.  )to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize 
The team spotted a distant black hole eating a star.
30814.supernova(超新星 )a very large exploding star 
How often do supernovas occur?
30815.go out(出かける、付き合う )to leave your house, especially in order to enjoy yourself /to have a romantic relationship with someone 
How long have you and Maggie been going out

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/20)

2023年07月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30806.bear in mind(心にとめる )to remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future 類義語 keep (something) in mindbear in mind (that) 
Bear in mind that some children will need help 
30807.first-come,first-serve(先着順に)used to say that something will be given to the people who ask for it first, when there is not enough for everyone 
MNote that tickets are sold first-come, first-serve. Be sure to get in line early.
You may be ready for the history. but math is yourweakest subjects
30809.You might want to(~した方がいいかもしれない)
You might want to give some more thought.
30810.think outside the box (既成概念にとらわれない考え方をする  )to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in business 
You won’t come up with any good ideas unless you think outside the box. 


2023年07月19日 | 爺英語

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says the number of people forcibly displaced due to conflict or persecution hit a record 108 million as of the end of last year.
The agency released the report on Wednesday. 
It said around 6.5 million people fled their homes in Syria, where a civil war has raged for more than a decade. 
About 5.7 million were forced to flee Ukraine due to Russia's invasion.
The report also said around the same number left Afghanistan, where the Taliban took power in 2021 after U.S. and other multinational forces withdrew.
The agency added the conflict in Sudan between the military and a paramilitary group that erupted in April has forced people to flee as well.
It estimates a record-breaking global refugee population of 110 million as of the end of May.
The report said the responsibility for hosting displaced populations should be shared more equally among nations.

forcibly 強制的に   
flee  逃げる
paramilitary group  準軍事組織 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/19)

2023年07月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30801.engage(引き込む )to be doing or to become involved in an activity  
The event successfully engaged consumers' interest. 
30802.in a positive light(肯定的な観点で )
In a positive light, this is a chance to change.
30803.looking on the bright side(明るい面に目を向ければ )
Looking on the bright side, we didn't any losses.
30804.acid(酸)a chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7. Strong acids can burn holes in material or damage your skin 
Be aware that the acids in the water might be harmful.
30805.shortlist(最終候補リスト)a list of the most suitable people for a job or a prize, chosen from all the people who were first considered 
Davies was on the shortlist for the Booker Prize.  

徒然草 第二百十三段

2023年07月18日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/18)

2023年07月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
30796.behind schedule(イべントの遅延)
Actually、all the train are behind schedule.
30797.make it(間に合う)to succeed in getting somewhere in time for something or when this is difficult 
We made it just in time.
30798.be supposed to (~することになっている )used to say what someone should or should not do, especially because of rules or what someone in authority has said
 What time are you supposed to be there? 
30799.implications(影響)a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc 
What implications does this merger hold for your future business?
30800.reach out to(~に働きかける、~に接触する )to show people that you are interested in them and want to listen to them 
The charity is reaching out to the families who need support. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/17)

2023年07月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30791.extraordinary(並外れた )very unusual or surprising/  very much greater or more impressive than usual 類義語 incredible 
An extraordinary amount of effort and time went into this project.  
30792.in a way (ある意味 )
Learning a new language is challenging, but it's also exciting in a way because it opens up doors to different cultures and perspectives. 
30793.cheat (ずるい )to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, especially in a competition, game, or examination 
Don’t cheat. Cheaters never win. 
30794.dis(批判する )disrespect
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dis you. 
30795.be running late(遅刻する )
I'm so sorry. I'm running late . 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/16)

2023年07月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
30786.chilling(身も凍るような、ぞっとするような )something that is chilling makes you feel frightened, especially because it is cruel, violent, or dangerous 
Dany told me a chilling secret about the castle. 
30787.goose bumps(鳥肌)small raised spots on your skin that you get when you are cold or frightened 
I got goose pimples when the trumpets sounded and you all marched in. 
30788.utterly(全く、完全に )completely – used especially to emphasize that something is very bad, or that a feeling is very strong
This translation app turned out to be utterly useless.
30789.fill in to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc 
Don’t forget to fill in your boarding cards.
30790.fill out to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc  
Please fill out this application. 


2023年07月15日 | 読書日記
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