

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/22)

2023年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
31126.accomodate (収容する、乗せる、泊める、宿泊させる、便宜をはかる、サービスする、聞いてやる、用立ててやる、融通してやる、(…を)(…に)適応させる )if a room, building etc can accommodate a particular number of people or things, it has enough space for them 
We are able to accomodate the volume you ordered. 
31127.cholesterol lever (コレストロール値)
The doctor said your cholesterol leverl are two high. 
31128.be fed up to (うんざりしている)
I’m fed  up with always having to call you. 
31129.freaking (忌々しい )
I can't get the freaking jar open. 
31130.watch one's mouth(言葉遣いに気を付けてspoken informal used to tell someone not to speak in such a rude way
Hey, watch your mouth! you are raised better thanthat. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/21)

2023年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
31121.lose water (断水)
we might lose water
31122.put in jeopardy (~を危うくする、~を危険にさらす
 The relocation of the production plant put many jobs in jeopardy. 
31123.a handful of (数少ない、数えるほどの〜)
 He advanced against the enemy with a handful of men 
31124.worthwhile (価値がある )    if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful, or you gain something from it 
I think it's worthwhile to explore the possibility of going public..
Anyone not appearing is presumed to have given up their claim. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/20)

2023年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
31116.to be on the safe side (安全のため )
To be on the safe side, let’s evacuate. 
31117.hit (上陸する)
The haricane is expected to hit Orland tomorrow. 
31118.lightning (落雷、雷の光 )
Did you see the that?That was lightning
31119.lose power (停電 )
We lost power for about two hours. 
31120.bottled water(ミネラル水
Let's buy some bottled water


2023年09月20日 | 爺英語

Tokyo Electric Power Company has started to release treated and diluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean.
Japan's government says it's a necessary step to decommission the plant more than 12 years after it was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami.
Before the release, the plant's operator confirmed the water's dilution had been carried out as planned.
TEPCO analyzed the concentration of tritium, which is measured in units called “becquerel.”
It found the diluted water contained between 43 and 63 becquerels per liter. That's far below Japan's environmental release standards of 60,000 becquerels per liter.
Members of local industries have voiced concern over how the release will impact their business.
The government has promised to work hard to prevent any reputational damage
id it made the change “simply to make that prohibition even more clear.”

treat  処理する  
dilut 薄める、希釈する
concentration 集中、濃度
tritium  トリチウム、三重水素   
becquerel ベクレル(Bq)、放射線を出す能力を示す単位 


徒然草 第二百二十二段

2023年09月19日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/19)

2023年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
31111.I'm writing to you in regard to (~の件についてのご連絡です )
I am writing in regard to the meeting. 
31112.unannounced  (連絡なしに)happening without anyone expecting or knowing about it 
Our CEO came to our office unannounced and that made us super nervous. 
31113.panic  (テンパる)
During the pandemic, the whole world was in a panic
31114.freak out (テンパる)
I have a job interview this afternoon. I wasn’t freaking out yesterday but I’m freaking out right now! 
31115.talk it over with. (~に相談してみます )
Let me talk it over with my supervisor first. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/18)

2023年09月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
31106.under the table  (不法の,違法取引の.  )informal money that is paid under the table is paid secretly and illegally 
Most people that work there get paid under the table
31107.mom-and-dad shop  (家族経営の小さな店 )
I’ll take you to my favorite mom-and-dad shop
31108.extra hands someone who helps you do something when you are busy 
 I think I’ll need extra hands to help me move tomorrow 
31109.make money off  (~でお金を稼ぐ )
I heard he made a ton of money off real estate. 
31110.fashionably late ((わざと)少し遅れていく 
Most people came fashionably late to the BBQ. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/17)

2023年09月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
31101.plenary (全員出席の、全権を有する、全権の、完全な、絶対的な、無条件の ) involving all the members of a committee, organization etc 
Did everone taking part in the confierence actually come to the plenary session? 
31102.monitor (観察する、監視する)to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes over a period of time 
People with diabetes have to monitor the blood sugar closely. 
31103.screen (選考する、選別する)to find out information about people in order to decide whether you can trust them 
How does the university screen applicants?. 
31104.plug (盛んに宣伝する )
At the end of show, Hibari plugged her new album. 
Is this movie really OK for kids? I heared there's a lot of obscene language in it.

ChatGPT 120%活用術

2023年09月16日 | 読書日記
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ChatGPTとは「Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer]


Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/16)

2023年09月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
31096.look great in (似合っている)
You look great in glasses. Why don't you wear them more often
31097.You have it in you (あなたならできる)
Well done! I know you have it in you. 
31098.You have what it takes (あなたには才能があります )
Your pronunciation has improved a lot. You definitely have what it takes.
31099.mixed feeling (複雑な気持ち、心境)
I have mixed feeling about the job. 
31100.I've got your back(私がついています
I've got your back. I won't let anyone speak ill of you

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/15)

2023年09月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
31091.pair with (〜と合う )
I think these wines pair well with my signature dish and probably with new menu items I'm working on now. 
31092.give~the push (~の背中を押す、もう一押しする)
If you hadn't given me the push, Ii would've compromised with natural wines from Europe. 
31093.encouraging (心強い、頼もしい )giving you hope and confidence 類義語 reassuring OPP discouraging 
It’s encouraging to see new business nearing its break-even point.
31094.way to go (よくやった)American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special 
Way to go!You broke the school record!. 
31095.keep it up(その調子で
Keep it up!You’re showing good progress.