

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/23)

2023年10月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
31276.wasted/ trashed  (泥酔)
He was taking shots last night and got wasted
31277.hangout   a place someone likes to go to often 
There's a new outdoor mall that opened up by the train station. My son said it's a popular hangout for college students. 
31278.let the cat out of the bag (秘密を漏らす(ついうっかり)  )divulge confidential information or secrets/to tell someone a secret, especially without intending to 
I'm sorry. Jim knows about last week's party. I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag
31279.I wonder if  (〜かな?  )
I wonder if I should call her. 
31280.I was wondering if (〜してくれないでしょうか? 
I was wondering if you could drop me off at the train station. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/22)

2023年10月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
31271.That way  (そうすれば)
Why don’t you study English on your commute? That way, you can study every day. 
31272.best of both worlds  (両方のいいとこ取り )a situation in which you have the advantages of two different things without any of the disadvantages
Working from home allows me to spend time with my family and pursue my career. It’s the best of both worlds
31273.It's not my thing  (趣味ではない / 得意ではない )
Sports is not her thing
31274.quitter  (三日坊主 )informal someone who does not have the determination or courage to finish something that is difficult 
He is a quitter. He always gives up on his goals too easily. 
31275.stumble (つまずく、よろめく 
He just stumbled and fell into a puddle. 


2023年10月21日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
堀井 憲一郎



この7月に五街道雲助さんが古典落語では柳家小さん、上方落語の三代目桂米朝、十代目柳家小三治 についで4人目となる人間国宝に選ばれたが、本書の中で「現役の落語家で誰を聞くべきか」で著者が選んだ落語40人には選ばれていなかった。評論家なるものの限界か?弟子の三代目桃月庵白酒は入っていたのはご愛嬌か?

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/21)

2023年10月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
31266.take after (似ている )
People tell me I really take after my dad.. 
31267.footstep (足跡)
Do you think I should follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a lawyer? 
31268.pioneer (開拓する、切り開く)
Tsuda Umeko pioneered education for women Japan. 
31269.progressive (進歩的な、革新的な )
Progressive thinkers know that it's impossible to bring back the past. 
The city started a pilot program for bike sharing. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/20)

2023年10月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
Without making a sound I crept downstairs to get a snack. 
31262.great (素晴らしい、素敵な、大きな)
October is a great time to visit Minnesota. The fall colors are gorgeous. 
31263.come after (〜の後に来る、~をうけて )
The move came after the president's sudden resignation all people are inherently good. 
31264.look after (〜のせわをする )
Can you look after Sara while I'm at the store?
31265.go after(追い求める
Every dream is worth going after. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/19)

2023年10月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
31256.be lucky enough to (幸運にも〜する )
If I'm lucky enough to be hired here, I'll work to contribute to that 
31257.challenging aspect (困難な点)
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of this position?
31258.out of the blue informal if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected 
Do you remember Jane? Well, she phoned me yesterday, completely out of the blue. 
31259.thrust (趣旨)
I agree with the main thrust of your opinion. 
31260.grouch(不平、不満、ぐち、不平家   someone who is always complaining
Come on! Stop being such a grouch. Come with me to the party. YOU'LL love it.


2023年10月18日 | 爺英語

A well-known Japanese sake maker will start shipping from its new brewery in New York State on Monday.
Asahi Shuzo is the latest of several brewers of the alcoholic beverage to set up U.S. facilities on growing demand from American customers.
The company is based in Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Japan, and known for its “Dassai” brand. The U.S. brewery is its first outside Japan.
The company's U.S.-made products will hit local store shelves on Monday. A 720-milliliter bottle will go for just under 35 dollars.
The products are brewed from sake rice imported from Japan. But there are plans in the future to use grain from the state of Arkansas.
An industry group says the United States has around 20 sake breweries. A U.S. maker launched a large-scale facility in Arkansas in May.

hit (the) store shelves  商品が店頭に並ぶ、発売される
go for  ~(の値段)で売られる、~の値段がつく   

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/18)

2023年10月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
31251.manegerial  role relating to the job of a manager 
Over the past few years, I've been preparing myself for a managerial role by following in the fooesteps of my manager as a role model.
31252.fringe benefit (福利厚生)an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages 
Let's talk about employmennt coditions, salary, bonuses, and fringe benefits
31253.keep 〜in mind (〜を念頭に置く)to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something 
 It’s a great idea, but we should keep our  budget in mind
31254.be aware of  (〜を意識している )
You should be aware of the side effects of the medication. 
31255.bear in mind(留意する、念頭に置くto remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future 類義語 keep (something) in mind
We need to bear in mind a possible shortage of componts. 

徒然草 第二百二十六段

2023年10月17日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/17)

2023年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary

31246.Do you have a sec? (ちょとだけお時間ありますか )
When you have a sec, just call me. 
31247.If you need anything(なにかあれば)
If you need anything. I'll be right over there. 
31248.You don't have to do that (そんことしなくていいのに)
You really don't have to do that. 
31249.I feel bad (申し訳ないです )
Don 't feel bad.
31250.get a foot in the door(きっかけを作る、足がかりをつかむ
I managed to get a foot in the door working as an intern. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/16)

2023年10月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
31241.tickled pink (大喜びして)
My mom was tickled pink to hear me on the radio. 
31242.I’d be like (~と言う )
If someone said I was fat, I’d be like, “My body is not your business.” 
31243.sense of security  (安心感)
Getting insurance costs a little money, but it gives you a sense of security. 
31244.spiral  (悪化する  )
Ever since he dropped out of high school, he’s been going on a downward spiral
31245.Say one thing but mean another (言っていることと本心が違う 
They’ll say one thing but mean another. You have to learn to read between the lines. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/15)

2023年10月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
31236.light (見方、捉え方 )
The story in the magazine presented Max in a very positeive light.
31237.downplay (軽く見る、重要視しない)
Kenta downplayed the story, calling it no more than a rumor. 
31238.sugarcoat (糖衣をかける、甘美に見せる、(…の)体裁をよくする  )
 There’s no way to sugarcoat this bad news 
31239.pink slip (解雇通知)a written warning you get when your job is going to end because there is not enough work 
With profits falling, the company is starting to give employees pink slips
31240.in the pink(とても元気で、絶好調でold-fashioned in very good health
We wento visit Grandma the other day. She was in the pink