


2023年10月14日 | 読書日記
【 内容】
≪俳聖バショーさまは、人生を旅になぞらえたが、旅とはさまざまな人と出会い、さまざまな出来事に遭遇することでもある。我が人生において、がっぷり四つで強い影響を与えてくれた人、袖振り合っただけの人から教えられたこと等を書き留めてみるのも、還暦を過ぎ、いよいよ高齢者として歩む人生の道標となるやもしれぬ。そんなこんなの人生の徒然を記してみようと思う。≫ (本書「ケンコーさんと夏井&カンパニー」より)

【 著者】
夏井いつき(なつい いつき)




Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/14)

2023年10月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
31231.I couldn't agee more (全く同感です)
I couldn't agree moreMoney is not everything. 
31232.You say that again (本当にねぇ)used to say that you completely agree with someone 
You say that again. Talking loudly pn the phobe in the public is nuisance.
31233.empower (〜に力を与える )
How can we empower minorities to have a storonger voice?
31234.tension (緊張感、張力 )
The tension between the two countries contunues to build. 
It'a an undenible fact that the internet has transformed education. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/13)

2023年10月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
31226.at the location (現地で)
We're meeting at the location? Sounds good.
31227.sports festival (体育祭)
Our school is having its sports festival next Saturday. 
31228.new kid on the block (あるグループの一番新しいメンバー ,新入り )
It’s not easy being the new kid on the block. 
31229.for or against (賛成か反対か)
Are you for or  against the plan?
31230.in favor of(~に賛成
Everyone is in favor of the merger. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/12)

2023年10月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
31221.count on  (~を頼りにする
You can count on me. I'll get the job done.
31222.It doesn't hurt to  (〜しても損はない、 〜してみたら )
I know that he's really busy with work but it never hurts to ask. He might help you out. 
31223.hurt someone’s feelings  (人の気持ちを傷つける )
 I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it. 
31224.hurt one's chance to/of  (~するチャンスを駄目にする )
Barry Bonds is a great baseball player but his use of steroids hurts his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame. 
31225. What if (もし〜だったらどうするの? 
What if there's traffic? You should leave early. 


2023年10月11日 | 爺英語

Two Japanese scientists have been awarded the Ig Nobel Prize, a parody of the Nobel Prize, for their study on how electrical chopsticks can change the taste of food.
Meiji University Professor Miyashita Homei and University of Tokyo Associate Professor Nakamura Hiromi were honored in an online ceremony on Thursday.
This is the 17th straight year that Japanese researchers have won.
Miyashita and Nakamura began their study into the technology 10 years ago.
Their experiments led to the development of tableware that creates the illusion of saltier food with electrical stimulus.
The scientists are hoping their research can help lower unhealthy amounts of salt in food.
The parody award was started in an American science journal in 1991 to celebrate quirky research that “makes people laugh, then think.”

illusion 錯覚、幻想、見間違い 


Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/11)

2023年10月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
31216.oversee(統括する )to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorily 類義語 supervise 
She oversees our global client list. 
31217.if worse comes to worst (いざとなったら)especially American English if the situation develops in the worst possible way 
If worse comes to worst, we'll stick to the audio only. 
31218.capitalize on (〜をフルに生かす )to use a situation or something good that you have, in order to get an advantage for yourself 
I want to join a company willing to capitalize on this growth. 
31219.building one's experience (専門性を高める )
I'll surely work toward building my experience, which prove beneficial for me as well as your organization
31220.unmatched(比類なきbetter than any other 類義語 unequalled
The chocolate boasts an unmatched brand image. 

徒然草 第二百二十五段

2023年10月10日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/10)

2023年10月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
31211.be in a bad mood  (機嫌が悪い )to feel annoyed or angry 
Really? But he was in a super good mood yesterday. He showed me a picture of his girlfriend. He said he was going on a dat.. 
31212.be in a bad temper  (機嫌が悪い )
We should stay away from our boss for a while. She’s in a bad temper. 
31213.grumpy  (不機嫌な )
My son is always grumpy for a while after he wakes up in the morning and doesn’t talk very much. 
31214.cranky (カリカリ、ピリピリして怒りっぽくなっている  )
I tend to get cranky when I’m busy and can’t get enough sleep. 
31215.get up on the wrong side of the bed (朝から一日中機嫌が悪い 
Dad has been grumpy since this morning. I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed.  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/09)

2023年10月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
31206.laid-back relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything OPP uptight 
My buddy in Hawaii lives a simple, laid-back lifestyle. 
31207.I mean  (つまり・というか ) used when explaining or giving an example of something, or when pausing to think about what you are going to say next 
 I mean, you paid for the last round. 
31208.punctual arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged 類義語 on time 
The trains in Japan are very punctual. 
31209.blow one’s mind  (ひどく驚かせる )
I can’t believe he did such a thing. It blows my mind
31210.family-friendly(家族向けのsuitable and enjoyable for families with young children 
That sushi restaurant isn't really family-friendly.. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/08)

2023年10月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
31201.gray area (グレーゾーン )
There’s sometimes a gray area between right and wrong. 
31202.fortnight (2週間)
Our fortnight in the Baharamas was the perfect honelymon. 
31203.prorated  (日割り計算)
Your prorated rent will be based on your rent divided by 30 days.  
31204.scheduled for  (〜に予定されている  )
Your interview is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st at 10am. 
31205.scheduled to (〜する予定になっている  
She is scheduled to give a speech at the event next week. 


2023年10月07日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
『チャーシューの月』(絵/佐藤真紀子 小峰書店)で児童文学者協会賞、『あららのはたけ』(絵/石川えりこ 偕成社)で坪田譲治文学賞を受賞。主な作品に、『こくん』(絵/石川えりこ 童心社)、『かあさんのしっぽっぽ』(絵/藤原ヒロコ)、『よるのとしょかんだいぼうけん』(絵/北村裕花)、『マネキンさんがきた』(絵/武田美穂)(以上BL出版)など。そのほか『女性受刑者とわが子をつなぐ絵本の読みあい』(かもがわ出版)など、読みあいに関する著書もある。

読書推進運動協議会発行のリーフレット「心ゆたかに生涯読書 敬老の日 読書の進め」に掲載されていたから。



Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/07)

2023年10月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
31196.claw (爪でひっかく)
I told you to stop clawing the sofa.
31197.paw (動物の手や足)
why do cats like to their paws into soft things? 
31198.mobilize (動員する )
The two countries quickly mobilized massive armies.
31199.ambiguous (あいまいな)something that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can be understood in more than one way OPP unambiguous 
I can 't what the email means. The wording is so ambiguous
31200.skech out(概略を説明する
Could you sketch out the development schedule for me?.