

Daily Vocabulary(2010/05/27)

2010年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
9381.take down(~を書き留める)
The professor recommends that we take down notes in his class.
9382.take part in(~に参加する、~に加わる、~に貢献する)
Did Mr.Tanaka take part in director's meeting yesterday?
9383.take off for(~へと旅立つ、~に向けて急いで立ち去る)
As soon as their mother handed them change, the boys took off for the candy store.
9384.take someone's breath away(驚きなどで人に息をのませる)
Tom took his breath away the moment he saw her enter the room.
9385take place(起こる、行われる、開催される)
This story takes place in a small village in Holland.
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