

Sarah Brightman - Harem(HQ)

2010年05月24日 | 私の好きな歌
Sarah Brightman - Harem(HQ)

Artist: Sarah Brightman
Album: Harem

Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire
Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame
Welcoming you to my Harem

Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage

Deep desires, sleep untold
Whispers that echo the desert of my soul
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem

Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage

Time is change, time's fool is man
None will escape the passing sands of time
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem

Daily Vocabulary(2010/05/24)

2010年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
May I have one of your flyers?
The test of a man or woman's breeding is haow they behave in a quarrel.
9368.in a quarrel(けんか)
In a quarrel both parties are to blame.
The fad had passed.
I'm neither a cheapskate nor a spendthrift.
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