Perfidia - Glenn MIller
9821.make friends(~と親しくなる)
I want to make friends with all people I work with.
9822.make up one's mind(決心する)
Tom made up his mind to take the next flight out.
9823.make contact with(~と連絡を取る、~と連絡が取れる)
Tom hasn't made contact with me since he left town.
9824.make certain of(~を確かめる、~を確実にする)
Please make certain of what you want to do today.
9825.make it up(埋め合わせをする、好意などのお礼をする)
Sorry,I will do what i can to make it up to you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第四番黒巌山大日寺/徳島県板野郡(2010/05/03)
I want to make friends with all people I work with.
9822.make up one's mind(決心する)
Tom made up his mind to take the next flight out.
9823.make contact with(~と連絡を取る、~と連絡が取れる)
Tom hasn't made contact with me since he left town.
9824.make certain of(~を確かめる、~を確実にする)
Please make certain of what you want to do today.
9825.make it up(埋め合わせをする、好意などのお礼をする)
Sorry,I will do what i can to make it up to you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第四番黒巌山大日寺/徳島県板野郡(2010/05/03)