我が良き友よ かまやつひろし Kamayatsu Hiroshi
Older consumers will have less in the way of disposal income for predicted purchases.
He had so much fun discretionary of being a cowboy.
14853.implication for(~への影響)
Another demographic change that has major implication for for business is the rise of the majority-minority.
I can live comfortably on a legacy which my uncle left me.
I am utterly bored with his customary lengthy speeches.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Older consumers will have less in the way of disposal income for predicted purchases.
He had so much fun discretionary of being a cowboy.
14853.implication for(~への影響)
Another demographic change that has major implication for for business is the rise of the majority-minority.
I can live comfortably on a legacy which my uncle left me.
I am utterly bored with his customary lengthy speeches.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News