14891.pickled vegetable(漬物)
With your meal, which do you like, a mixed salad or pickled vegetable?
14892.cream puff(シュークリーム)
I bought cream puff to the party.
14893.hamburger steak(ハンバーグ)
This restaurant has twelve kinds of hamburger steak.
14894.strongly seasoned(味付けが濃い)
The food was too strongly seasoned for me.
This food has unique texture.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

With your meal, which do you like, a mixed salad or pickled vegetable?
14892.cream puff(シュークリーム)
I bought cream puff to the party.
14893.hamburger steak(ハンバーグ)
This restaurant has twelve kinds of hamburger steak.
14894.strongly seasoned(味付けが濃い)
The food was too strongly seasoned for me.
This food has unique texture.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News