Daytona Beach in the U.S. state of Florida is a well-known vacation spot where people can hang out and relax. A wild bear was spotted in a neighborhood, doing just that.
A man found the American black bear lying in a hammock in his backyard. He said the animal stayed for about 20 minutes, and the furry visitor appeared unfazed even while having his picture taken.
"He got in the hammock, laying back like he was a tourist or something."
Residents had spotted the bear knocking over trash cans the day before. Some say he may have been exhausted and just wanted a nap. The bear caused no damage or injuries, but the homeowner removed the hammock to discourage him from coming back.
◆be spotted 目撃される、見つけられる
◆furry 柔毛で覆われた
◆unfazed へっちゃらでいる、平気でいる
◆lay back くつろぐ、のんびりする
◆knock over ひっくり返す
◆be exhausted 疲れる、疲れ果てる、ぐったり疲れる
◆homeowner 家の持ち主、所有者
◆discourage [A] from [B] AがBするのをやめさせる