

Brenda Lee "Danke Schoen"

2014年07月21日 | 洋楽ヒットソング
Brenda Lee "Danke Schoen"

Lyrics to Danke Schoen
(B.Kaempfert - K.Schwabach - M.Gabler)

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
Thank you for all the joy and pain
Picture shows, second balcony
Was the place we'd meet, second seat
Go Dutch treat, you were sweet

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
Save those lies, darling don't explain
I recall Central Park in fall
How I tore my dress, what a mess
I confess that's not all

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoeh
Thank you for walks down Lovers lane
I can see hearts carved on a tree
Letters entertwined for all time
Yours and mine, that was fine

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
I wanna thank you for seeing me again
Though we go, we go our separate ways
Still the memory stays for always
My heart stays for always
My heart says danke schoen

Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
I said thank you for
Thank you for seeing me again
Though we go, we're gonna go our separate ways
But still the memory stays for always
My heart says danke schoen

Danke schoen auf Wiedersehen
Danke schoen

Daily Vocabulary(2014/07/21)

2014年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
14906.come into one's mind(思いつく、頭に浮かぶ)
Whenyou hear the word "genius," who comes into your mind.
14907.field of art(芸術の分野)
Today's goant is a genous in the field of art.
14908.got into lot of trouble(もめ事を沢山起こした)
Lennon missed his parents and got into a lot of trouble during his childhood.
14909.kneel on the ground(土下座する)
When a higher-class child walked down the street, lower-class children had to take off their sandls, kneel on the ground and bow.
Once upon a time, there lived an old man who had a big wen wen on his right cheek.
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