

Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry

2014年07月07日 | 洋楽ヒットソング
Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry

"I'm Sorry"

I'm sorry, so sorry
That I was such a fool
I didn't know
Love could be so cruel

You tell me mistakes
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done

(I'm sorry) I'm sorry
(So sorry) So sorry
Please accept my apology
But love is blind
And I was too blind to see


You tell me mistakes
Are part of being young
But that don't right
The wrong that's been done

I'm sorry, so sorry
Please accept my apology
But love was blind
And I was too blind to see


Daily Vocabulary(2014/07/07)

2014年07月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
That means allowing more telecommuting,reduced or more flexible working hours.
14842.stay ahead of the game(有利な立場を利用する)
Any company that wants to stay ahead of the game should go all-out to hire top female talent.
14843.run a household(家庭を営む、家事を切り盛りする)
Forward-looking businesses are doing things to help both ,male and female employees run a household.
14844.not too far off the mark(それほど的外れではない)
You are not too far off the mark.
14845.draw on(~を活用する)
Business that make it easier for people to hold down jobs while raising a family can draw on a wider pool of talent.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
