マドンナの宝石 The jewels of the Madonna Wolf Ferrari
I can't handle hard liquor, especially tequila.
21867.due date(予定日)
My first was born 3 weeks before her due date, so we’ll see what happens this time.
21868.morning sickness(つわり)
I'm having terrible morning sickness. I can't even eat.
21869.baby bump(妊娠により)膨らんだお腹)
She's already four months pregnant but she doesn't have a baby bump yet.
21870.Get carried away(調子に乗る・我を忘れる)
He gets carried away when he talks about his business.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I can't handle hard liquor, especially tequila.
21867.due date(予定日)
My first was born 3 weeks before her due date, so we’ll see what happens this time.
21868.morning sickness(つわり)
I'm having terrible morning sickness. I can't even eat.
21869.baby bump(妊娠により)膨らんだお腹)
She's already four months pregnant but she doesn't have a baby bump yet.
21870.Get carried away(調子に乗る・我を忘れる)
He gets carried away when he talks about his business.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News