New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has introduced her new baby daughter to the world and expressed gratitude for all the support and well-wishes she has received since giving birth on Thursday.
Ardern revealed the baby's name: Neve Te Aroha. She said Neve means "bright" and "radiant" in Ireland, the home of her ancestors.
Ardern is the world's first sitting prime minister to take maternity leave, and Ardern said she's hoping for a time when a story like hers isn't such a novelty.
(Jacinda Ardern / New Zealand Prime Minister)
"I hope that little girls and boys, that actually there's a future where they can make choices about how they raise their family and what kind of career they have that are just based on what they want and what makes them happy."
When she returns in six weeks, her partner will care for the baby as a stay-at-home dad.
◆stay-at-home dad在宅の父親、専業主夫