Grieg Two elegical pieces - Våren (Last Spring)
22006.plenty of(十分な・たっぷりな・潤沢な)
Make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you get better soon.
22007.dozens of(数十個の・数十人の)
There were dozens of students who didn't receive the email.
22008.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者)
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other.
22009.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))
I'd like you to meet my better half, Jackie.
22010.Have a big mouth(口が軽い / (秘密が守れず)おしゃべり)
My sister has such a big mouth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you get better soon.
22007.dozens of(数十個の・数十人の)
There were dozens of students who didn't receive the email.
22008.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者)
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other.
22009.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))
I'd like you to meet my better half, Jackie.
22010.Have a big mouth(口が軽い / (秘密が守れず)おしゃべり)
My sister has such a big mouth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News