

Daily Vocabulary(2018/07/06)

2018年07月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
21886.Keep someone posted(随時連絡する)
The Internet is down. I'm looking into right now. I'll keep you posted.
21887.Hit someone up(〜に連絡をする)
Let's grab some beers tonight. I'll hit you up after work.
21888.Shoot someone an email(メールで連絡する)
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email.
21889.glued to(〜に夢中 / 〜に熱中している)
She is glued to her computer. She's been watching YouTube for hours.
21890.That's a major upset!(大番狂わせ!)
I always root for the underdogs. I love watching upsets.

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