男と女のお話 日吉ミミ Mimi Hiyoshi
A bay girl? You must be thrilled.
21952.natural disaster(自然災害)
I feel so sorry for the people who are afflicted by natural disaster.
Mother Nature caused so many calamities so quickly.
21954.crush someone spirits(人の心を打ち砕く)
That really crush their spirits.
How are members of your extended family in Kurashiki coping with the aftermath of heavy rain?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

A bay girl? You must be thrilled.
21952.natural disaster(自然災害)
I feel so sorry for the people who are afflicted by natural disaster.
Mother Nature caused so many calamities so quickly.
21954.crush someone spirits(人の心を打ち砕く)
That really crush their spirits.
How are members of your extended family in Kurashiki coping with the aftermath of heavy rain?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News