

Daily Vocabulary(2018/07/26)

2018年07月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
21986.I'm telling you(絶対に、本当に)
I'm telling you. You have to have your hair cut.
21987.dress up(着飾る) 
You don't have to dress up. It's a very casual party.
21988.hike up(ハイキングで登る)
We've been hiking up this mountain for hours . Let's take a break.
21989.get frustrated with(~にいらいらする)
Oh, pretty well overall. But I sometimes get frustrated with my boss.
21990.at the last minute(土壇場で)
I had spent ages preparing an important presentation、but he cancelled it at the last minute.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
