

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/01)

2019年07月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
23671.cheapskate(けちん坊、しみったれ  ) informal someone who spends as little money as possible – used to show disapproval 
Terry is -how can I put it?-a bit of a cheapskate.
23672.bluntly(ぶっきらぼうに、無遠慮に、遠慮なしに言うと )speaking in a direct honest way that sometimes upsets people 
To put it bluntly, you're not up to the job.
23673.at risk(危険にさらされて  )in a situation where you may be harmed 
If you don't wear seat belt, you put your life at risk.
23674.go on and on about (長々と話す) 
 I could go on and on about this topic but I have to get back work.
23675.life of the party (場を盛り上げる人 )American English someone who enjoys social occasions and is fun and exciting to be with 
Jessica knows how to liven things up. She really is the life of the party.
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