


2019年07月17日 | 爺英語
The Japanese government says it will tighten restrictions on exports of high-tech materials to South Korea. Relations between the two countries have worsened since late last year over a wartime labor issue.
The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry says the tougher rules will apply to three materials used in high-tech products. They include high-purity hydrogen fluoride for production of semiconductors, and materials used in making smartphones.
Starting on Thursday, Japanese exporters will be required to apply for permission for each shipment of the materials to South Korea. Japanese firms have large market shares of the products.
South Korea has reacted sharply. Seoul's trade and industry minister said Japan's move is economic retaliation for South Korean court rulings. The rulings ordered Japanese companies to compensate laborers who say they were forced to work for the companies during World War II.
hydrogen 水素  a colourless gas that is the lightest of all gases, forms water when it combines with oxygen, and is used to produce ammonia and other chemicals. It is a chemical element: symbol H 
fluoride.フッ化物  a chemical which is believed to help protect teeth against decay
retaliation  報復 action against someone who has done something bad to you → revenge 
ruling 判決an official decision, especially one made by a court
compensate 補償する to replace or balance the effect of something bad

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/17)

2019年07月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
23751. mess (混乱、めちゃくちゃ、ちらかっていること、雑然としたもの、(外 見・考えなど)乱れている人、めんどう、困惑、窮地、(こぼしたりした)汚いもの、(特に犬・猫の)糞(ふん))if there is a mess somewhere or a place is a mess, things there are dirty or not neatly arranged.  a situation in which there are a lot of problems and difficulties, especially as a result of mistakes or carelessness
You should leave her alone for a while. She's a mess right now.
23752.mixed up(ぐちゃぐちゃ / ごちゃ混ぜ )confused, for example because you have too many different details to remember or think about 
I'm so sorry. I totally got the dates mixed up. I thought our meeting was next Monday.
23753.splurge (贅沢する、散財する  )to spend more money than you can usually afford SYN splash out
 Actually, last month. I went on a shopping binge and splurged!
23754. spend a fortune 大金を使う)
He must've spent a fortune renovating his house. 
23755.turn in (提出する)
You need to turn in that document to your supervisor.
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