


2019年07月24日 | 爺英語

Sony is marking 40 years since the launch of its Walkman line of portable music players that revolutionized the way people listen to music. Now, the company has opened an exhibit in Tokyo's Ginza with more than 200 modelson display. The Japanese electronics maker has sold more than 400 million Walkmans worldwide.
The first Walkman music-cassette player went on the market on July 1, 1979. The handy gadget became enormously popular in Japan and overseas as it allowed people to enjoy music on the move.
Sony released the CD Walkman in 1984, helping boost the popularity of music on compact discs. It was followed by the MD, or MiniDisc, Walkman in the early 1990s.
Sony then ran into severe competition from Apple's iPod and music-playing smartphones. Sony is trying to push back with its series of high-resolution audio players.
run intoに突入する、ぶつかる to start to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation 
push back押し返す、巻き返す   

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/24)

2019年07月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
23781.I'm curious about (〜に興味をそそられる・〜に心引かれる ) 
I'm curious about his question.
23782.tough break (不運 )in a way that improves the situation 
He had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
23783. What inspired you to (きっかけは何でしたか?  )having very exciting special qualities that are better than anyone or anything else 
What inspired you to study English?
23784.What brought you to (に来るきっかけは何でしたか? )
What brought you to Tokyo? 
23785.How did you get into (実行する)
How did you get into running?

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