

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/14)

2019年07月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
23736.riddle(なぞ、なぞなぞ、判じ物、不可解なもの  )  a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer → puzzle 
I'm not good at solving riddles.
23737.feel confident(自信を持つ)
Ms. Saito wants him to feel confident.
23738.motivated (やる気がある) very keen to do something or achieve something, especially because you find it interesting or exciting 
 The key to a successful modern economy is a well-educated and motivated workforce.
.23739.get around(あちこち移動する)  to go or travel to different places 
It's how we Vietnamese get around.
23740.make it(成功する、やり遂げる)to succeed in getting somewhere in time for something or when this is difficult 
We made it in time for the kick-off.

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