

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/15)

2019年07月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
23741.If it's possible(できれば)
If it's possible...We'd like a corner room.
23742.availability(空き) the state of being able to be used, bought, or found 
Do you have availability on Jury tenth?
23743.promotion(キャンペーン ) an activity intended to help sell a product, or the product that is being promoted 
Do you happen to have any promotions now?
23744.That's a good deal(それはお得ですね) 
That's a good deal.
23745.wobble(ぐらぐらする、よろよろ歩く、動揺する、ぐらつく、震える ) to move unsteadily from side to side, or make something do this
This table wobble.

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