

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/28)

2019年07月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
23801.turn in (提出する  ) someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet 
Make sure you turn in the report by tomorrow. 
23802.garbled (文字化け )a garbled statement or report is very unclear and confusing SYN confused 
I couldn't read your email because the characters were garbled.
23803.rusty(下手になる、 腕が鈍る  ) if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time 
I thought you were going to be rusty but you haven't lost your touch at all. 
23804.have a sale (お店がセールを開催中 ) 
Gap is having a clearance sale. Everything is 40 % off. 
23805.on sale (特定の商品のみセール中 )available to be bought in a shop 
Steaks are on sale at the grocery store this week. 

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