

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/22)

2019年07月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
23771.hum(ブンブンいう、鼻歌を歌う、ハミングで歌う ) to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed 
The fridge is humming louder than it used to
23772.click(カチッという音、吸気音、掣子(とめ)、つめ )to make a short hard sound, or make something produce this sound 
I heard her high heels click as she walked in.
23773.hiss(シューッという音を立てる  )to say something in a loud whispe
My cat always hisses at my friends when they comes to my house..
23774.pat((手のひらなどで)(…を)軽くたたく、なでる )to lightly touch someone or something several times with your hand flat, especially to give comfort 
He patted my shoulder as we said goodbye..
23775.poke((指・腕・棒などで)(…を)突く、つっつく) to quickly push your finger or some other pointed object into something or someone 
I  poked him in the back because he began to nod off.

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